New to Toronto East?

What to Expect

What can you expect when you first visit Toronto East? From the minute you walk through our doors, you can expect to be warmly welcomed; you will see people enjoy spending time together, laughing and talking. You can expect a worship service that is comfortable and familiar embracing both the traditional and the contemporary. You will hear the Word of God preached and taught in a spirit-filled atmosphere. You can expect to feel right at home. And above all else, you can expect to have an encounter with God.

How should I dress for church?

Be comfortable, be yourself! You will find some people dressed in their "Sabbath best," with suits and ties (formal), and others in jeans and tees (relaxed). We care about your heart, not what you wear! 


The Pastor has finished preaching, the praise team has sung their last song and service is over... Now what? Believe it or not, this is the best part of the service--getting to know one another, laughing, talking and caring for each other--these are priorities at Toronto East!
We encourage everyone, members and visitors, to get to know one another, invite each other to lunch and fellowship. This creates a bond of family and friendship that will last a lifetime.

Where do I park?

There is parking on the church grounds, just come a few minutes early to get a good parking space.