Audio/Video/Livestream Ministry
Department head - cromwell leach
The primary goal of the Audio/Video/Live Stream Department is to ensure that everyone can hear each speaker clearly in our worship services. To accomplish this goal we provide live, sound amplification in the main sanctuary, the Mother’s room and to overflow areas in the church. We enhance the service by projecting visual aids to support praise and worship, weekly sermon slides and various programs in the church. The Media Department is dedicated to the smooth transition of information from church departments to the general church body, as it pertains to outreach, in-reach and event promotions. Through effective communication, collaboration and creativity, we are committed to ensuring sound quality and visual excellence
The AVL and Marketing & Promotions ministries, are also committed to supporting the church in the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in reaching 100 000 souls for Christ by building and maintaining the online presence of the Toronto East Seventh-day Adventist Church through social media, website development and video presentations.
We live stream for those who are unable to attend in person and people who are seeking to know Christ on the World Wide Web.