Men's Ministry

DEPARTMENT HEAD: donald mcleod

Men’s Ministry is dedicated to helping men become fully committed in their relationship to God, their families, their church, their communities and ultimately their country.  There is no greater power on earth when Godly men connect with God and each other to become men of integrity, and positive role models for the younger generation.  Activities are planned throughout the year that foster relationship building, mentor-ship opportunities and spiritual connection between the members of the department and God.


Women's Ministry

DEPARTMENT HEAD:  marsha serrette

Women’s Ministry Department seeks to foster spiritual growth and renewal among women, minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs across the various ages of women in the congregation and to find ways and means to challenge each woman to use her gifts to complement the talents of others as they work to further the global mission of the church.

This ministry also aims to build networks among women in the world church to encourage bonds of friendship and mutual support and the creative exchange of ideas and information as well as to mentor young women, encourage their involvement, and create opportunities for them to reach their potential in Christ.

Following are some of the activities and events sponsored by Women’s Ministry:
Monthly Book club meetings

  • Bible study and Prayer

  • Retreats

  • Seminars that promote well-being

  • Prayer focused ministry

  • Community outreach

Family Life Ministry


At Toronto East Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Family Life Ministries Department seeks to strengthen, inspire and bring healing to each home. Family Life is not simply defined as the nuclear family. We pride ourselves in working with other ministries to further God’s work and strengthen each man, woman and child as we focus on meeting the needs of each family.


Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Our vision for the year 2020 is to focus on the family and to foster spiritual growth within the church. By creating a strong and united front, together, we can attain our ultimate goal to save as many souls for Christ as possible in 2020.

Singles' Ministry

DEPARTMENT HEAD: Khellon & samantha roach

The Toronto East Singles' Ministry is dedicated to the spiritual and social needs of Christian Singles.  This ministry is designed to engage single men and single women to become equipped for service within the church community and the global community.  In addition, our ministry plays an important role in developing and supporting relationships for Christian singles to live healthy and fulfilling lives.  Our activities/events include:

  • planned social events and outings

  • educational sessions and small groups

  • praise and worship

  • prayer requests

  • outreach and creating connections


department head: THERESA JONES

Living for H.I.M - Our mission is to Honour God, Inspire and Mentor others into a discipling relationship with Christ whereby we can serve our church and extend our hands to others in the community.

AY/YA (Adventist Youth & Young Adults) accomplishes this mission by providing a variety of programming, both social and educational, and outreach initiatives that allow the youth to positively affect the community around them.

By bringing the youth together, AY/YAM also endeavours to build the relationships between youth and young adults, allowing them to build new and lasting friendships and strengthen current ones.